Nathan McKinlay


Nathan McKinlay is the owner/operator of McKinlay Funeral Homes Ltd., with three family funeral homes in the rural community of Chatham-Kent. Nathan graduated with Honours from Wilfrid Laurier University, majoring in Communication Studies and Philosophy before entering the death care profession. He loves funeral service almost as much as he loves his wife, Amanda, whom he has the pleasure to run the business with. 

How to Retain and Recruit: Human Resources - Expert Panel Session

Employee recruitment and retention are major challenges that many employers and HR teams struggle with. Employee retention starts with the recruiting process, beginning with the application, screening the applicants, right down to selecting interviewees and preboarding. The benefits of employee retention include increased performance and productivity, better employee morale, improved work quality, a higher level of employee satisfaction, an improved employee journey and an increase in ROI.

Conversely, the price of having to replace an employee includes recruitment costs, training, lower productivity, and a lower level of customer satisfaction. In this session, the presenters will explain how to improve employee recruiting practices, and increase the retention of employees.

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